This is my life.

Jenaly Enns - In My Dreams blogger - sharing my life

For quite some time now I have been struggling with a lot of things in my life. I have been feeling lost and unhappy. I moved home to be with family for some comfort and just after moving home I tore my meniscus (which is in your knee). So that was just another thing to add to the pile, so I have been basically just sitting around because I can't be standing for to long before it starts to hurt. Which has been a bit depressing and I have gained weight because of it which has made it even more depressing.

So not only have I been trying to myself but also dealing with an injury while still trying to supportive myself financially. Not going to lie, its been tough but I have been trying to keep a brave face.

But with all of this said and done and some tears along the way, I have to say that I believe everything happens for a reason and I am learning to be okay with everything that has happened. Because honestly things would have been a lot worse if I wouldn't of changed my course a few months back. Even though I still don't know what the future holds and I am staying positive and trying to remember all the good things in life instead of focusing on the negative.

So if like me you are experiencing some problems and thinking there is no way you are going to come out of it alive well your wrong. It will be okay, it might take some time but just keep your head up. Don't stop trying, learning and believing in yourself. That is still my biggest struggle, having the confidence in myself but it is also the one thing I know that if I had confidence, I would be un stoppable. So don't give up!!!!


  1. Im sorry you've been having a hard time Hun!!! Now your back in Manitoba we should get together for dinner, maybe you, me, Marisa and Kat, catch up have some fun, reminisce on school days haha

    Xx Amber

    1. Thanks girl. We should definitely do that, I would love to catch up!!!


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