How to: Pack for a Month long Summer Vacation

Denim Jeans - J Brand - Zara - Noul
 J Brand, Zara and Noul jeans

Casual pants - Forever 21 - Zara
 Forever 21 and Zara pants

Sneakers - American Apparel - Zara - Summer vacation packing
 American Apparel and Zara sneakers

Shorts - Forever 21 - One Teaspoon - Aritzia - American Apparel
 Forever 21, One Teaspoon, Aritzia and American Apparel shorts

Stripe tops - Forever 21 - BCBG - Comme des Garcons Play
 Forever 21, BCBG and Comme des Garcons Play stripe tops

Basic tees and tanks - What to pack for a summer vacation
 Basic tees and tanks

Bikinis - Volcom - Forever 21 - American Apparel  - Brazilian
Brazilian, Volcom, American Apparel and Forever 21 bikinis

Packing for a week vacation can be hard enough but being away for a longer period of time is tough. You can still only bring the same amount of luggage with you but you will need more outfits to wear. So packing smart is key. Here are some of my tips for packing for a long trip.

1. Basics - Most important is the Basics. These are the key pieces that you can mix and match and wear everyday. So these items would be your classic solid black, white, gray, etc tanks and tees, as well as denim jeans, stripe tops.

2. Prepare outfits - I use to pack by just picking favourite pieces and by wanting to bring as much as possible with me. This is not good, you must think about what your wearing and really be sure that you will wear it. If you can't think of an outfit to wear with that crazy printed top, then don't bring it just cause. And if you are having trouble deciding what to bring then try on different outfits and plan what you will wear. Maybe you will realize that there are a few pieces that help make tons of outfits.

3. Proper footwear - Depending on where you are heading these shoes can change but for the most part it usually doesn't include a suitcase full of heels. Most likely you will be doing a lot of walking so I suggest bringing one to two pairs of sneakers. Super comfy and trendy, great to wear with almost any outfit, as well as a couple pair of sandals to switch up with.

4. A few special pieces - Obviously there are going to be times when you need or want to dress up. So allowing yourself those few special pieces are to pack is perfectly okay. And if they are an item that can be worn with your day to day pieces, then even better. These pieces would be that fancy dress for a nice meal out and a pair of heels to match.

5. Essentials - Meaning, underwear, bras, socks, make-up, these are obvious things that you need to have with you. But again you don't need to stuff to many in, there are laundry mats everywhere and most likely you will need to do laundry at some point anyways. But also these are small items so it is easy to pack quite a bit.

6. Easy accessories - Most people don't want to wear a lot in summer anyways, but having those few everyday accessories can add that extra something to your wardrobe. Pick your favourite, everyday, simple pieces that can take you from day to night, like a dainty necklace, that bag that fits everything but still looks great at night. Don't go over board and bring it all, most likely you will end up sticking to only a few pieces anyways.

7. Keep it light - Also when packing for a summer holiday, pick light and airy pieces that will be comfy for traveling in and walking around in hot cities and around the beach. Linen is a great summer material and loose clothing is great so you don't feel sticky from the heat.

I think that is most of my advice and I mean if you have packed and your suitcase is too full then you need to go back and take out anything that you really don't need cause I promise you about half of what you bring probably isn't essential and you won't use.

I hope these picks are useful, I know they are for me. I think about all of these things when packing.

Only 5 days till we leave for Europe!!!



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