Get to know me Better

Get to know Jenaly Enns of In My Dreams, fashion and style blogger in Vancouver, Canada with a game of this or that.

I thought it would fun and a great way to get to know me a bit better if we played a little game of this or that....

tea or coffee: Coffee
night out or night in: Night in
sweet or salty: both
loud or quite: Quite (for the most part)
rain or snow: Snow any day
tv shows or movies: tv shows at the moment
morning or night: Morning
chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
N´Sync or Backstreet boys: N´SYNC all the way!!!!
singing or dancing: I LOVE BOTH
summer or winter: I love both for different reasons
spring or fall: Fall for sure
wine or beer: Wine, I hate beer
ski or snowboard: Snowboard
vintage or new: New
fruits or veggies: Fruits
call or text: Text, I am scared of phone calls
spend or save: Spend
jeans or skirts: I'm a jeans kind of girl

I hope you liked this cause then maybe I will do one again in a while... now its your turn to answer one of these and leave it in the comments. Look forward to seeing what you have to say!!!



  1. I love tea I cannot live without it. I am not a morning person I am a night owl, late nights are my peek.

    1. I love how different everyone is, thanks for sharing!!!

  2. I adore your style - everything you wear I want.
    And amen to being scared of phone calls and not liking beer!

    1. Thank you so much and I am you agree, everyone thinks I am crazy for not liking beer but its just so gross!!! haha


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